The Hawkesbury Companion Animal Shelter

Dogs and cats are available now - please visit our website for an online Gallery.

Animals can be viewed at the shelter anytime during open hours, no appointment required.

Monday to Friday: 9am-12.30pm & 2pm-4.30pm
Saturday: 9.30am-11.30am
Sunday: 7am-9am

Hawkesbury City Council recently introduced mandatory desexing for all animals that are sold from the Shelter.

- Dogs and puppies - $360.00 (pensioner $328.30)
- Cats and kittens - $254.10 (pensioner $222.40)

The purchase price of the animals includes desexing, vaccination, microchipping and lifetime registration.

The Hawkesbury Companion Animal Shelter

Phone: (02) 4560 4644

Address: 10 Mulgrave Road
Mulgrave NSW 2756

Email: Click here to send an email

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