C3 Church Penrith

C3 Church Penrith

We would love to meet you!

Right in the heart of the City on High Street in the NK Centre (through the arcade and up the stairs/lift) is a friendly group of people who are passionate about the presence of God and the people of Penrith. Our services are a time for you to connect with Jesus and experience His love, to hear a Word-based, life-giving message and to be welcomed into a friendly community.

During the service we run a Kids Ministry for ages 2+, and we invite all the Kids to join us for worship because we want them to experience and learn God’s presence, then they head out for a fun program. There’s a room looking into the service, or space at the back with some toys if parents with small children would prefer to sit there (we are ok if your kiddies make noise…they’re kids!) Our Youth aged kids usually like to sit in and enjoy the service with the adults.  

We have a few Connect Groups meeting throughout the week in homes, cafes or online and our church Prayer & Presence Nights are Wednesday's weekly from 7 till 8pm either at the Church or on zoom (check the website for the zoom link). 

C3 Penrith is currently meeting, we do not require you to register, however please sign in and apply hand sanitiser on arrival. We have a COVID-19 safety plan in place, our seats are all socially distanced (please feel free to move your family group closer to each other) and everything is well sanitised. If you have any questions please contact us.

How To Get Here..

C3 Church Penrith is located in the NK Centre, at 450 High Street, walking distance to both Westfield Penrith and the Penrith Train Station. The Church Auditorium is through the Arcade and up the stairs/lift – our friendly team will be there to greet you and show you the way. You can park your car in Judges Carpark at no charge, the carpark can be accessed via The Broadway, once you’ve parked head to Union Lane and into the Arcade where you will see our friendly C3 Penrith people ready to welcome you.

C3 Church Penrith

Address: 147 Station Street
Penrith NSW 2750

Email: Click here to send an email

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