Bible League

Bible League

Resourcing the under-resourced Church


By providing Bibles, biblical resources, language translations and training. Together, your partnership is transforming lives globally by helping people engage with God’s Word, and in ways they understand, so they come to know Jesus.

Project Philip - Bible Studies

- Planting the Word of God into people's hearts.

Church Planter Training

- bringing the Gospel to unchurched areas.

Bible-based Literacy

- helping break the poverty cycle in developing countries.

Easy-to-Read Version (ERV)

- The first Bible people receive is one they can understand.

Local Ministries

- impacting youth, families and churches in Australia and New Zealand.

Bible League

Phone: 02 4734 7000 or 1800 800 937

Fax: 02 4734 7000

Address: Unit 5, 23 Peachtree Rd
Penrith NSW 2750

Postal Address: PO Box 714
Penrith NSW 2751

Email: Click here to send an email

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