Welcome to the Web site of
Angels of Mercy Welfare Services INC.
This website was designed to inform visitors of the activities of Angels of Mercy Welfare Services Inc .of New South Wales. We hope this site will keep our valueable clients and guest aware of our existing services.
Angels Of Mercy Welfare Services Inc. is an Association originated in 2003 and registered officially in 17th September 2004. Our founder Antoinette Abdelseed has organised a steering committee, which was formed and gathered in 2003 to establish a framework which will meet mainly the specific individualised needs of the newly arrived Migrants and refugees from Arabic and African backgrounds.
Angels of Mercy Welfare Services Inc. is an incorporated not for profit mobile organisation in the Western Sydney Region.
Angels of Mercy Welfare Services Inc. is funded by the Department of Immigration and Citizenship since 2009.
The framework will mainly focus on regular consultations, advocacy, referral, case work, information sessions and general support for the African communities. We will focus on building the awareness of the African communities about the general existing community services, such as settlement, health, family, legal and Home and Community Care “HACC” services.
The initiative was mainly a result of few conducted consultation sessions with the Arabic and the African communities in 2003 regarding access to services in the Western Sydney Area. Through the consultation sessions, we have found that there are still lots of gaps in reaching services e.g. lack of awareness of the existing settlement, health, legal and community care services as well as general safety practices. There was also a lack of awareness of the general mainstream services and how to access those existing services.
To donate to us please use the following account:
Angels of Mercy Welfare Services inc.
BSB Number: 012-408 (Anz Bank)
Account No: 496347429
Angels of Mercy Welfare Services Inc.
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Ring our co-ordinator Antoinette Abdelseed On
(02) 9623 2798 0R 0404041257
Address: Angels of Mercy Welfare Services Inc.
P.O. Box 528 St. Marys NSW 1790