Migrant ServicesExisting Family and Childrens ServicesExisting Aged Services

Information sessions/consultations and training packages have been organized to address different topics to our different mobile groups. Topics included,

Training is regarded as one of our vital roles among the African and Arabic communities.

Our clients are mainly from Sudan, Egypt, Ethiopia, Zimbabwee, Ghana, Eritrea, Nigeria, Sierra Leone and Chad.

Our Mission Statement:-To reach the Arabic and African communities in the western Sydney region assisting them to access the local existing services and eliminating their isolation. We believe in providing them with specialised and individualised support in meeting their specific needs.

We also organise to our community groups:--

Angels Of Mercy Welfare Services Inc. Welcomes anyone who needs help and assistance.


Real People meeting real needs of real people!

Carers, do you need a break from your caring role? We can introduce you to all the Home and Community Care services in your local area.
Do you need help with transport, meal preparation or respite care? Ring us and we will be able to introduce you to the right services.

We are here to help you and link you with all the different community services, and much more ………..

How much will it cost?

At present, Angels of Mercy Welfare services is funded by the Department of Immigration and Citizenship. Contributions would be gratefully received to continue serving your needs and the needs of others. Volunteers are recruited and trained to support our clients and staff.

To donate to us please use the following account:
Angels of Mercy Welfare Services inc.
BSB Number: 012-408  (Anz Bank)
Account No: 496347429



Angels of Mercy

Angels of Mercy Welfare Services Inc.

Home   |   Activities   |   Contact Us

Ring our co-ordinator Antoinette Abdelseed On
(02) 9623 2798 0R 0404041257

Address: Angels of Mercy Welfare Services Inc.
P.O. Box 528 St. Marys NSW 1790

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