Announcement Service

Available to Economy, Standard and Enhanced Profiles

A Free and Easy Way to Increase Your Exposure

You now have the opportunity to gain additional exposure on through posting an Announcement.

  • Post Announcements within your profile.
  • The most recently added Announcement appears on the Home Page.
  • All Announcements appear on a dedicated Penrith What's New - Announcements Page displayed in date order.
  • Text only Announcements appear randomly throughout the website within the footer and within the 'Have You Visited' section.
  • Announcements also randomly appear on all detailed Event Pages.
  • Enhanced Profiles can post an Announcement every 7 days.
  • Standard Profiles can post an Announcement every 14 days.
  • Economy Profiles can post an Announcement every 21 days.
  • All Announcements remain active for 31 days from the date posted.

View Centralised "What's New" Announcements Page >>

What’s included with an Announcement?

Within your own Profile Page your Announcement includes:

  • Title = 40 characters.
  • Message = 120 characters.

On pages other than your own Profile Page your Announcement includes:

  • Title = 40 characters.
  • Message = 120 characters.
  • Image = selected from one of your existing Profile images.
  • Link = A direct link through to your Profile on


Where do Announcements display?

Announcements are displayed in six areas:

Profile Page:
All of your posted Announcements appear on your own Profile Page.

Penrith Announcements "What's New" Page:
All of your posted Announcements appear along with Announcements from other businesses and organisations on a centralised Penrith "What's New" Page. Announcements are displayed in order of date submitted. This Announcements page is accessible from the home page of

Home Page:
The most recently added Announcement by any business or organisation appears on the Home Page of within a "What's New" feature box. This feature also links through to the Penrith Announcements Page displaying all current Announcements from all businesses. 

Weather Forecast Page:
The 4 most recently added Announcements automatically scroll through on the Weather Forecast Page of within a "What's New" feature box. This feature also links through to the Penrith Announcements Page displaying all current Announcements from all businesses.

Random exposure of Announcements (text only) within the footer of the website in the 'Have You Visited' section.

What's On Event Pages:
Announcements will be randomly displayed down the right hand side of detailed What's On Event Information Pages.


How frequently can I post new Announcements?

  • Enhanced Profiles can post a new Announcement every 7 days.
  • Standard Profiles can post a new Announcement every 14 days.
  • Economy Profiles can post a new Announcement every 21 days.


How long is the Announcement displayed for?

Announcements are displayed for up to 31 days from the time of posting.


Why do Announcements expire?

Businesses and organisations choosing to regularly use this free Announcement service will receive the biggest benefit. Having Announcements expire after 31 days ensures all Announcements featured on are current, thus enhancing the overall visitor experience.


What should I include in my Announcement?

What you choose to include in your Announcement is totally up to you.

Just like browsing a newspaper or a magazine, the purpose of the Announcement service is to provide you with the opportunity to encourage visitors to click through to your Profile Page. Therefore you will want to ensure that your Announcement is of interest and engages visitors.

Announcement ideas...

  • New Products and Services
  • New Website
  • View Video
  • Join us on Facebook
  • New Dining Menu
  • Special Event
  • Finance Help
  • Graphic Design Services

...the list is endless.


How do I get my Announcement to appear on the Home Page?

Keeping the system fair for everyone, the most recently posted Announcement will appear on the Home Page. The next three most recently posted Announcements will also appear within the "What's New" slider feature on the Home Page.

If no other business or organisation chooses to post an Announcement then your Announcement may appear on the home page for a longer period.

The home page feature also includes a link to a centralised Penrith "What's New" Page. This page displays all currently active Announcements in order of date originally posted.


Can I change the Announcement once posted?

Yes. If you wish to change the wording,  (or choose a different image accompanying an existing Announcement), you can do so at any time.

Will my display position change on the centralised "What's New" Announcements Page if I edit an existing Announcement?

No. This ensures that all businesses and organisations receive equal opportunity to appear on the top of the "What's New" Announcements Page and the page is not dominated by the one business or organisation regularly editing their existing Announcement.


What happens if I edit my Announcement?

By editing your Announcement, both the original date added and last modified date will display on the centralised Announcement page.


Can I delete my Announcement?

No. You can however deactivate your Announcement if you no longer wish for your Announcement to be displayed. You can also edit your existing Announcement, even if your Announcement is not active. You can then reactivate your Announcement. The original date added will remain unchanged.


How many active Announcements can I have at any given time?

The number of Announcements you can feature on the Announcements page depends on your Profile Level. Announcements can be active for a maximum of 31 days. Therefore the maximum number of active Announcements would be as follows:

  • Enhanced Profiles can have a maximum of 5 Announcements.
  • Standard Profiles can have a maximum of 3 Announcements.
  • Economy Profiles can have a maximum of 2 Announcements.

Example for Economy Profile:

  • Announcement posted on 1st of the month expires on 31st of month.
  • Announcement posted on 22nd of the month expires on 22nd of the following month.
  • From the 22nd to the 31st of the month there could be 2 active Announcements.


Why can I not post a new Announcement?

If you have recently posted an Announcement, you will not have the ability to post a new Announcement until the specified date and time in the administration system. You can however edit an existing Announcement.

Announcement posting frequency:

  • Enhanced Profiles can post a new Announcement every 7 days
  • Standard Profiles can post a new Announcement every 14 days, and
  • Economy Profiles can post a new Announcement every 21 days.
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