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(Maximum event duration is 12 months)

Event Dates & Times:

* Start Date:
* Duration:

* Is this a recurring event?:
  (Will this event occur more than once?)

  End Date:
  Time:  (If applicable)
  Admission Cost:  (If applicable) (maximum entry fee)

Event Details

* Event Name:
* Description:
  (This is your chance to sell your event.)

  Please do not include web addresses in your description – a website link field is available below. Any web addressed placed in your description will be deleted.
* Event Type:
* Event Location:
Booking Requirements:
Event Contact Details:
(For people wanting more information)
* Contact Person:
  Phone Number:
  Contact Email:
  Link to Business Profile:
Tick any that are available
Continue in wet weather:
Submitted by: (not for publication – just in case we need to contact you)
* Name:
* Phone Number:
* Email:

All Submissions are reviewed before being approved & listed in the calendar. Stralia Web reserve the right to exclude certain details or events.

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Simon Tedeschi & George WashingmachineGershwin & more! Sun 23 March 2pm - Blue Mountains Theatre, SpringwoodView Blue Mountains Concert Society »